Welcome to Khemet, Land of the Pharaohs.
Also known as “Aegyptus” to most Northerners, Khemet was one of the first civilizations to rise in the world of Yaddrin. Demigods ruled as pharaohs, their hieroglyph-covered monuments rivaling even Mordor's mightiest buildings. Their armies could churn a kingdom to mud, and blot out the sun on wings of death. From their apex under the rule of the ancient demigod pharaohs, Khemet´s civilization suffered periodic rises and falls under different royal dynasties, dying a slow death through complacency for most of a millennium before succumbing to the conquering armies of the Hadeen Caliphate. Ironically, it was this oppression that galvanized the Khemeta once more, and under Hadeen rule they suffered but refused to break. Now, 200 years after the death of the last foreign sultan, Khemet is again a sovereign nation. A strong but just pharaoh rules the land, using magical powers over the elementals of the desert to secure and maintain control.
Although Khemet is often assumed by foreigners to be an endless sea of wind-blown sand, this is a flagrant over-generalization. While it is true that hot, sandy deserts make up much of the landscape, and that the elemental-fueled khamsin storms define Khemet’s yearly cycles as much as the River Nile’s annual floods, Khemet is packed with vibrant history, and sites of enormous character and historical importance cover its breadth from mountains to shores.
Some Facts
Khemet’s population is ca. 4,800,000 (Native humans 82%, Hadeen humans 14%, various non-humans 3,5%, Northern humans 0,5%)
Major Exports
Archeological artifacts, beers (5 varieties), gold, grain, granite, paper (papyrus), precious stones, spellbooks (blank), timber (from various palms).
Major Imports
Fruit (bananas, breadfruit, nargil coconuts, pandanus, sweet potatoes, taros, yam), incense, iron, mercenaries, myrrh, perfume, pine timber (especially cedar), slaves (mainly from Hellenike), spices.
Let us take a look at the…
Groups, Factions and Species
The Rulers of the Realm:
Pharaoh Horustep III “the Forthbringer”
A human man in his prime, Horustep III is both a cleric of Horus-Ra and a thaumaturgist specializing in elemental conjuring. His title is Lord of the Heavens, Charioteer of the Wagon of the Sun, Steersman of the Ship of the Sun, Guardian of the Secret Knowledge, He of Sedge and Bee, Lord of the Horizon, Keeper of the Way, the Flail of Mercy, the High Born One, the Never Dying King; and formerly the Ruby Prince. He has negotiated agreements with the djinni, as well as the angelic and fiendish servants of several gods.
The pharaoh’s vizier –and confidante- is Insperia the Inscrutable, a sphinx who has become the first of her kind to dwell more or less permanently in the pharaoh’s palace. True to her nickname, she is largely a question mark for the average Khemeta. Those of a lecherous mind may scoff that the pharaoh seeks more than advice in the shapely Insperia. But most refined Khemeta wouldn’t hear of this – they have seen Horustep’s genuine grief for his dead wife, Korethys-Anck-Sun-Amun, slain by a curse in 812 CCC.
While Horustep III controls the byzantine elemental and planar pacts that underlie Khemet’s independence, most of the day-to-day government is managed by the sha’ir (literally “poet”). The current sha’ir is Akil-hesetjat, a mage and keen law enforcer. Even with his spells, he can’t be everywhere at once, but his cadre of rawis (“reciters”) is enough to put at least one “lesser sha’ir” in every Khemeta city and large town. In keeping with the bardic traditions of his office, Akil-hesetjat is also in charge of the lore and poetry of the realm. He is technically one step beneath Insperia, and the two keep each other apprised.
The Medjai
The praetorian guard of the pharaoh is the Medjai: a relatively small but elite force of paladin-monks.
In ancient times, the name ‘Medjai’ was that of twelve tribes of fierce nomads who swore fealty to the pharaoh who had sent his armies to save their lands from a demon infestation. Nowadays, outsiders are permitted to join the Medjai, but only after exemplary service. The Medjai normally guard the pharaoh’s person, his family, courtiers and palaces; but in times when Khemet is in peril, they will ride out with battle clerics of Horus-Ra, Sebek or Sekhmet.
One of the twelve original tribes is the Viz-Jaq’taar (“Order of Demon Mage Slayers”); assassins who are shunned - but who nevertheless are needed in rare circumstances.
Another distinction a Medjai warrior aspires to is to be transformed, by sphinx magic, into one of the Living Monoliths. These are living –or once living- men and women who have become half-golems, melded into enchanted suits of armor specially blessed (some would say cursed) by Anubis, Ra or the other lawful gods. Most Living Monoliths, effectively immortal unless slain in combat, guard the temples of the gods they are sworn to.
There is one more guardian of note:
Princess Nefer-ankh-et
Daughter of the pharaoh. By tradition she protects the royal artifacts. Nefer-ankh-et has taken her responsibility one step further, and extends her watch over the spell libraries of Khemet. She can’t do that all by herself, but she is training as a sorceress and received the blessings of the god Thoth.
Rulers of the Realm, continued:
The Nobility
The Khemeta nobility is largely composed of the aasimar. These are the offspring –or distant descendants- of dalliances between humans and angels. Although their celestial ancestors may be many generations removed, their presence still lingers: most aasimar have one or several distinguishing physical traits: the bronze-skinned Khemeta aasimar may have pupil-less, glowing metallic eyes, or feathers sprouting from their scalp; those with green skin tone are called Osirians; and those with golden or silver skins are descendants from the avatars of the god Ra. Many other varieties exist. The rare Hadeen or Kejhistani aasimar certainly exist, and are usually gladly welcomed in the noble circles; but it is from pure-breed Khemeta aasimar that the nobles are promoted, and who have the best chance of ever becoming pharaoh.
The Priesthoods
The Anubis church
Jackal-headed god of the dead, embalmers, healers, mummification, and surgeons. The judge of souls. Anubis weighs every dead person's heart against the feather of Ma'at (Justice); if it's too heavy from wicked deeds, the heart gets eaten by the demon-serpent Apophis. Otherwise, the righteous dead person may proceed to the Afterlife. The church of Anubis controls the Natron Lodge (see Guilds).
Bastet church
Goddess of cats (lionesses especially), fertility, music, the sun. Very popular with children and commoners because she protects them and keeps their fields safe from crop-destroying pests.
Geb church
Patron of craftsmen in general, and of dwarven crafters specifically, Geb is a deity of the earth, and the riches below it. His chosen people, the gold dwarves, are not the orc-slayers that Northerners are familiar with. In fact many gold dwarves work happily together with the native Rujarkian orcs (see below). Instead these dwarves reserve their burning hatred for what they categorize as Aberrations. Among these are counted aboleths; achaierai; belgoi; derro; otyughs; and many more.
Hathor Church
Goddess of beauty, joy, love, motherhood (women in general), music, and the sky. Her sacred animal is the cow. She has a ‘dark’ sister: Sekhmet – see below.
Horus-Ra Church
God of kingship, the moon, the sky, the sun, and war. The leader of the pantheon. He is an honorable deity that opposes change. Horus was a young deity who often sided with younger, wilder gods in pressing change to his father, Ra. When Ra was slain in the cataclysm of the year 799,the failing deity passed his powers and domain to Horus before passing on. Upon gaining this power Horus became Horus-Ra, and began exhibiting the personality traits and beliefs of his dead father. As Lord of Radiance, Horus-Ra is patron of paladins. As the Falcon of Heaven, Horus-Ra has a more brute warrior aspect and so he is patron of warriors and mercenaries.
Isis church
Goddess of healing, magic, and motherhood. One of her titles is “She Who Knows All Names.” A fairly menacing moniker, as name-based curses are lethal. She is the only being who knows Ra's true name.
Khepri Church
God of rebirth, renewal, resurrection, and the sun (he does the pushing while Horus-Ra does the ruling). Khepri is the celestial dung beetle, whose rolling of balls of dung represents the forces which move the sun. The Dungsweepers Guild is run by the Khepri Church.
Ma’at church
Goddess of balance, justice, law, morality, order, and truth. The order of the cosmos, which Ma'at embodies, was established by Ra at the dawn of time and has to be continually defended from the forces of chaos to prevent the universe from collapsing.
Nephthys Church
Goddess of funerary rites, fire magic, and guardianship. Nephthys is one of several deities who welcome the dead into the afterlife. She also is a night goddess, in that she helps those lost in darkness.
Osiris Church
God of the afterlife. He assists Isis and Anubis in overseeing the weighing of the heart and testing souls. Also the deity of order (in the sense of supporting Ra), plants (fertility of the Nile banks), rebirth, resurrection and water (the Nile flooding).
Sebek Church
Crocodile god of the Nile, water and fertility; occasionally patron god of the armed forces.
Sekhmet Church
Goddess of pharaohs (protector of the monarch), plagues, poisons, the sun (the dark sun that brings drought and all-consuming fire), and war. Sekhmet is not an evil goddess, but rather is the ‘last resort’ to be unleashed against the enemies of Khemet. Practical to the point of grotesqueness, the Sekhmet church controls slave battalions. One of its more bizarre ones is composed of the neser-um-bit: “Oriental” skaven, fiendish rat-men who had stowed away on the rare Nipponese ships visiting Khemet.
Sutekh Church
Sutekh, sometimes called Set, is the god of chaos, the desert, and storms. Originally he guarded Ra on his nightly trips to the Underworld and still remains the only deity who once defeated the demon-serpent Apophis and resisted his hypnotic gaze. After Horus largely took his place as defender, and after a lengthy vendetta with Osiris, Sutekh´s nature became darker and darker. Still, he has never sided with Apophis or other outright evils of Yaddrin; and many times he has saved the pharaoh or his fellow gods, albeit reluctantly. See also: the Followers of Sutekh, below.
Thoth church
God of astronomy, spellcasters (patron of mages while Isis rules magic in general), medicine, the moon, wisdom, and writing. Appears as a baboon, an ibis, or ibis-headed man.
The Four 'Courts'
Each of the Courts is literally that, a dedicated quarter of a Khemeta city. Yet a given Court is also a social caste. Originally, the inhabitants of each Court were Hadeen colonists, who had for several centuries ruled Khemet. That was over 200 years ago. Since then, Khemet has kicked out the Hadeen elite but thankfully peace with the Desert Lands was restored. The Courts are one remnant of the occupation that was kept in place, as they provide the Hadeen with a structured lifestyle and the pharaoh with an obedient work force. The vast majority of Courts-people are still Hadeen (plus a mix of Kejhistani, Athlantu and other species); though in the last few decades, some native Khemeta have started to intermarry or otherwise joined the Courts as members.
The Court of Blades
This is the regular army and navy. Its commander, Dukarem, “Caliph-Marshal of Blades” is a scarred human man entering middle age. He answers to the high priests of Horus-Ra and Sekhmet. It is these two churches, made up nearly exclusively of native Khemeta, who run the chariot cavalry, elite forces (see Medjai, above), and who compose the senior officers. A third branch, the marines, consists of units from the Green Dragon Guild, rough but professional mercenaries hired from central offices in Samaris.
The Court of Coin
Controls merchant transactions, banking, and wagering for non-Khemeta peoples. Its headquarters is the Golden Scepter, a giant bazaar that traditionally no native Khemeta wanted to be seen in, but which for the younger generation has become very popular to “go slumming.”
The Court of Coin deals in nearly anything that passes through Khemet, with a few exceptions. Trading slaves is restricted to the priesthoods, who run all the slave auctions. No free people can be press-ganged into slavery. There are criminals who break this law, but those are slavers and pirates who are hunted mercilessly by the authorities.
The Court of Coin is led by Neriph, the “Caliph of Coin.” He is a mul (half-dwarf) who seemingly knows everyone- or can get an introduction.
The Court of Tears
Not a proper, legal Court, this is an enclave of evil, undead elves. Thankfully, they seem to be confined to Takish’Hiz, “the Silent City" which is located far in the desert. However, it is whispered that the Silent City sends out hidden minions to other abominable groups like the Cult of Kyuss (see below).
The Court of Truth
These are the qadi (“judges”), lawyers and law makers for all non-natives (Hadeen, Kejhistani etc.) Loremasters, archivists, and scribes also work here, consulting with the sphinxes and with the Thoth Church. They are under mandate of the Horus-Ra paladins and the Ma’at Church. The Court is led by Alhira Zherana bin-Djebar, “Calipha of Truth,” whose true title is Sherifa of Agadain (see below).
The Guilds
Accountants Guild
Led by Ptah-clusp Sen-nauwit, a keen mathematician. Though originally completely separate from the lawyers of the Court of Truth, the Accountants have recently joined the two businesses closer together.
Adventurer Guilds
No single organization can claim to bind all adventurers together in a single guild. Rather, “adventurer” is more of a social sub-class in Khemet. Several groups will rise and fall out of business, offering what they claim is the ideal adventurer’s society, clique, band or consortium.
The general attitude towards adventurers is that they can be very useful in beefing up national defense, and are good for the economy – as long as they do what they do, far removed from civilization. In the past, no self-respecting Khemeta would (openly) become an adventurer, because of the draconic punishments for tomb robbing. But recently, in 825 CCC, Pharaoh Horustep III, in a controversial edict, declared the deserts of Khemet open to foreign exploration. To say this has created a “gold rush” is an understatement. Almost overnight, adventuring has gained in social status. A grab-bag of self-styled adventurer ‘guilds’ currently in swing includes:
Pathfinder Society
An organization based out of Altika, the most entrepreneurial of Atlantian cities. The Royal Athlantu Pathfinder Society (as it likes to call itself, though they have no royal approval at all) has stolen the business concept of the Samarian Adventurers’ Guild and now seeks to grow into the premier funder and exploiter of adventurers everywhere. Only recently gaining attention, the membership consists of certified “Pathfinders,” adventurers who travel throughout Yaddrin, preferably inconspicuously. They explore, delve, and otherwise experience the hidden places of the world. They send journals back to their venture-captains, who assign them new missions and suggest new places to explore. The most impressive journals are compiled in the Pathfinder Chronicles, an ongoing series of chapbooks, often racey, that is becoming fashionable from Anglia to Khemet.
Knights Templar
These Crosstian mystic-warriors wield only a fraction of the numbers and influence they wield in the Samaris Adventurers’ Guild. In Khemet, they were outlawed because they preach the Crosstian faith (albeit an arcane, occult version) and because they have broken into forbidden tombs and other ruins, in search of what they claim is enlightenment.
Undurr ‘Delvers
Often just called “Underdelvers”, the Undurr is a clan of gold dwarves and mul (half-dwarves). Though reserved as most of their kin, the Delvers see no problem in enlisting other races for a time to clear out a dungeon.
Other sponsors of adventurer groups include: the Courts of Blades, Coins and rarely, even Truth; the Gaiamancer Guild (see below); plus, any affluent church may hire mercenaries for specialist missions.
Architect’s Guild
Led by Ptah-clusp Sen-waii , a pioneer in the magical field he grandly calls Cosmic Engineering.
Ashen Star
A dilettante community of mostly young half-elves whose fringe membership mainly spends time philosophizing and comparing poetry in smoke taverns. Yet there is substance beneath the surface: its core is a brother- and sisterhood of martial-artist monks, ambitiously dedicated to all gods of Goodness. The Ashen Stars model themselves on the Northern half-elf adventurer Greystar Gil-Galad Ashida, who brought to Khemet’s youth an eclectic mix of Nipponese cultural influence, and piety (see: Elder Gods of Sumeru, below). After Greystar had vanished on the latest of his wanderings, the Ashen Stars removed themselves from society decades ago to seek a humble life within the hidden desert enclave of N'tarev.
Rogues’ Guilds
There are various assassins- and thieves’ guilds in Khemet. Even within a single city there are likely a number of crime operations competing with each other. The main “trade” is, predictably, loot from old tombs. Burglary of the living is less prevalent, because the middle class is small and the mansions of the rich are well protected. Still, highly skilled -or just daring- burglars are always on the lookout. There is also a thriving black market in cursed magic items, narcotics (like Loz Azlon water), organs, poisons, and shanghaied slaves.
Followers of Sutekh
Sometimes called Followers of Set or Setites by Northerners, this is one of the longer-lasting assassin guilds, and currently the strongest in the city of El-Iskanderiiyah (“Alexandria”). Individually, their strongest killers are a match for any Viz-Jaq’taar (see Medjai, above), and the two assassin ‘guilds’ refrain from a vendetta only because it would hurt their main business. Aside from killings for hire, the Followers of Sutekh also have ties to certain slaver- and pirate rings.
Sesh-Herep (literally, “Smash-and-Sink”)
One of the fiercest and currently biggest pirate/ slaver groups. They are built around the remnants of a Crinti fleet: half-drow pirates who were driven from the waters near Rakshajstan, a peninsula of the Desert Lands (see the 'Lands Outside Khemet' article). Making an alliance of convenience with Nekrataals (see ghouls), these marauders now haul slaves to an underground ghoul kingdom in the Khemet desert; or sell to the derro (a race of albino evil dwarves) who delight in forcing slaves to kill each other in gruesome gladiator arenas.
There are believed to be at most half a dozen Hashashim in Khemet at any one time. Most native Khemeta have little to fear, since the Hashashim leadership is keen to avoid a crackdown that may widen to uninvolved Hadeen citizens.
Mish Mish
The “apricots” as they call themselves, are one example of a rogues’ guild on the rise. Active in El-Iskanderiiyah, and recently branching out to other towns, the Mish Mish’s membership is a mix of humans (from native Khemeta to larcenous Hadeen and even Nipponese "expats"), genasi (half-djinni), and a smattering of half-elves from the fringes of the Ashen Star Order (see above). This guild has witty and humorous trappings, but their business practices literally become cutthroat in an instant. They rob tombs, ply the black market, and send Nipponese “ninja” assassins after aggressive competitors. The Mish Mish leader’s face and voice are masked by an enchanted item.
Cellarers & Plumbers Guild
This business may surprise foreigners with its clout: they are responsible for the sewers, which means they also keep a number of experienced monster hunters on retainer, in case another horror is loose in the tunnels. They are mostly a jolly bunch, and this is reflected in their offbeat motto that they cribbed from the ImperiMor language: "Non Ante Septem Dies Proxima, Squiri" (“Not before next week, Squire”).
Gaiamancers Guild
More properly called the Koa-Ren Triumvirate, the "Gaiamancers" are an alliance of desert elves, air djinni, and earth elementals, who struggle to return Khemet to the days before the desert. They slowly sculpt Khemet’s wilderness to a specific, and they claim, sacred topography. To this end, they also keep certain ruins buried beneath sand. Their leader is Ini-Kherit, an elder earth elemental. It was a consortium of desert elf merchants who purchased guild status to operate legally in Khemet. Apart from these merchants, called Dune Traders, the desert elves in Khemet keep themselves aloof, even from most other elves. Still, history says the Gaiamancers were originally inspired by the wood elven house of Maeglina Nulae, an ex-adventurer.
Kyuss Lodge
This is a dark cult dedicated to the resurrection of Kyuss, an undead priest said to have been exiled from the far Northern realm of Mordor centuries ago. Kyuss was destroyed 30 years ago by the Isis-worshipping wizard Shalafi and his adventurer group. But, the seemingly impossible task of restoring their twice-dead master hasn’t daunted the cultists. Most Lodge members are deranged or fully insane. Still they are smart enough to avoid being stamped out by the pharaoh.
Lithomancers Guild
These wizards use divination and transmuting to alter, identify, and scry with crystals, gems and precious stones.
Natron Lodge
The trade organization for embalmers, funeral directors, undertakers and gravediggers. Led by Gerrun, a Khemeta human whose title is Exalted Grand Ninety-Degree Variance, Keeper of the Left Hand Door, and Master Embalmer. He has worked at the Pharaoh’s palaces for the past 40 years and has been awarded ten medals for his needlework.
Races and Creatures of the Desert
The djinn are elemental-attuned humanoids found all through Anciendor and the Desert Lands. Djinn are ageless and –except for violence- deathless, like elder elves, but the djinn draw their immortality from the essence of elemental forces: air (“white” djinni), fire (“red” djinni); void (“black” djinni);and water (“blue” djinni). The earth element is believed to be represented by the desert elves, who some think of as “green djinni.” There are six main races of djinn: the benevolent djann; the tyrannical efreet; the undead ghouls and nekrataals; the sea-dwelling marid; and the so-called True Djinn – who are more primal still but also often feral and unpredictable. Most djinn wander the wilderness in nomadic family groups or sometimes travel alone. Since they are immune to thirst and to temperature extremes, they find it easy to live off the wastelands, camping in the open or in their famous silk tents. They come to human towns to trade, and may live there for a season or so at a time. They treat their town dwellings as “vacation cottages.”
Most people have heard of djinn as powerful spirits who pop out of lamps to grant wishes. There is truth to this, but these are powerful (or just very old) djinn who have struck a deal with the person who enchanted the lamp or have been enslaved by them. Perhaps the most famous of djinn was the red djann Anar, whose swordsmanship has saved Khemet on more than one occasion.
Tall, thin, and jackal-headed; the gnolls are associated with the death god Anubis. However, the Khemeta are all too aware that the gnolls, who live as barbarian tribes in the desert, are not friendly guardians. Instead, it is believed that gnolls serve Anubis by eating the corpses of those unfortunate enough to miss out on mummification. Curiously, certain gnoll tribes dress themselves in head gear similar to Anubis priest; whether they do this in an attempt to appear imposing, or whether these gnolls actually venerate Anubis is unknown.
Orcs, Rujarkian
A race of nomadic humanoids, endlessly traversing the deserts in and beyond Khemet. They are divided into tribes and clans, fierce, focused on survival, and rivals or even blood enemies to nearly every other orc tribe. The epithet “Rujarkian” hearkens back to their ancestral home, the Clefts of Rujark.
Millennia ago, they were driven from this fortress city by a now-nameless enemy. Sages maintain that the orcs had bravely repelled an invasion by monstrous servitors sent by the Blood Gods from Sumeru (see 'Lands Outside Khemet' article). Whether this is true or not, the orcs in Khemet are not considered evil. Far from it- to the Khemeta humans, the orcs are holy creatures! This is because their dusty green- to matte blue skin color is associated with the green-tinted god Osiris. The orcs are only too happy to cater to this belief- however, every orc also knows the other side of this coin: an orc setting foot inside a Khemeta city or town is sacrificed on the altars of the Osirian priests. This is because their arriving from the wilderness is interpreted as a wish to become one with the dead-and-risen god Osiris. The humans consider this an honor. Needless to say, the orcs steer far clear of human civilization.
Huge and winged beings, with the bodies of beasts (the lion-bodied variety is most familiar) and an eerily humanoid head, there are a number of sub-species of sphinx. It is believed that sphinxes date back to an era when the gods walked Yaddrin and grass grew where now is desert. After the Age of the Gods ended, the sphinxes stayed behind to guard against an ancient threat. It is said that sphinxes await the return of the Elder Gods. In any case, sphinxes serve two very practical functions: they guard the central pyramids from attacks; and keep the dragons out of Khemet. Yet sphinxes are most famous for their deep knowledge, which they guard with their riddles.
Thri-Kreen (aka “Mantis Warriors”)
A race of bipedal insects with a sandy-yellow exoskeleton. They have six limbs; they walk on the lower two, and the upper four end in claws with four fingers each. They have large slicing mandibles, compound eyes, and two antennae sprouting from their head. Fierce nomadic hunters and faultless trackers, the thri-kreen are alien, seemingly emotionless creatures who are described as bloodthirsty monsters by most people.
Thri-Kreen prefer the scrublands and savannas of western Kehjistan (to the north-east of Khemet), but the lush oases of Khemet draw them too. Younger, lighter thri-kreen are sometimes surprised by the khamsin storms; a number of them are then deposited in any location. Thri-kreen speak their own language, and some also know Common. Of the humans, priests of Khepri (see above) are capable of limited trade or diplomacy with the thri-kreen.
Akh-Aphtor Desert (aka “the Sinking Sands”)
This region, stretching from the south-west of Khemet, is an unforgiving expanse of magically-radiating sand. It is inhabited mainly by Chthonians (“stone snakes”) and purple worms, with orc- and djinni nomads living on its northern borders. Under the dust lie connections to the Underdark, where subterranean cities are controlled by cruel Aberrations.Sages write that long ago, battles between the gods of Khemet and of Sumeru caused this wasteland.
Amun-Apt-Ra (“City of the Beloved Dead”)
A huge necropolis, or tomb-city. The ancient burial site for the sons and daughters of pharaohs, and resting place for much wealth of Khemet. Guarded by a permanent detachment of Medjai.
Athlantu Trade Road
Runs from El-Iskanderiiyah south-west past the Akh-Aphtor Desert, then through the Tjehemu Desert and lastly south of the Dragon Lands to a thin isthmus connecting across the Boiling Sea.
Azure Ocean
At El-Iskanderiiyah, the River Nile empties into the Azure Ocean. Its waters are plagued with pirates and sahuagin (shark-men). Blessedly, some coastlands are guarded by the marids, the djinni attuned to the Elemental Plane of Water.
Lut Gholein
A sleepy harbor town on Khemet's north-eastern border with the Holy Lands (see 'Lands Outside Khemet' article), Lut Gholein was once the last stand of the Vizjerei Clan. An order of conjurers and elementalist mages whose last descendants are said to guard the Al-Azif (“Necronomicon”), a malevolent tome of ancient sorceries. None of these mages remain here now.
Na-Ubeg (“Halls of Manifestation”)
A large oasis and the site of the Black Pyramid built by the undead Scions of Kyuss. After adventurer heroes had destroyed -or at least banished- the lich Kyuss, the pharaoh-queen at the time, Peth-akisi XXIX, ordered the Na-Ubeg pyramid sealed. Yet the adventurers reported that deeper halls lie beneath the pyramid’s foundations... halls that haven’t been explored. There is even speculation that secret tunnels reach all the way to the Silent City (see Takish’Hiz, above). Since then, tent towns have sprung up around Na-Ubeg, from where treasure seekers boast they have entered the Black Pyramid. In truth, the majority of these are glory hounds who restrict themselves to robbing the lesser graves found in a number of shallow valleys extending from the borders of the Na-Ubeg oasis.
The Nile
The River Nile is the lifeblood of Khemet. Its waters spring from beyond the Pillars of Flame (see below) and originate in the near-mythical Inner Sea that is said to lie deeper in the Anciendor continent. Khemeta civilization could not exist without the Nile's annual flooding, for which the blessing of the god Osiris is needed. Each pharaoh is considered, among his or her many other duties, as a semi-divine being, to act as the “lens” through which the magic of Osiris rejuvenates the Nile.
Pillars of Flame
A wasteland of tableland mountains, canyons, pebble sand, and dust valleys, dominating the south of Khemet. The Pillars are inhabited by brown dragons, blue dragons, and renegade efreet. The region holds many ruins where powerful artifacts are found, and according to whispers, even a temple to Apophis.
Plain of Iron Scarecrows
A roughly spherical plain in the Eastern Desert. Here the sand is fused to multicolored glass, and rows and rows of half-molten armor suits stand here, mute testimony to a legion of ImperiMor soldiers who were incinerated by a giant fire elemental summoned by the mage Shalafi. Many fire djinn congregate there, to bask in the Astral afterglow.
Sekhet-Aaru (“The Kingdom of Reeds”)
This is the Blessed Afterlife, where souls wander contentedly and free of worries through rows of high growing grain. The god Osiris rules this Kingdom.
Tuat (“The Underworld”)
Also known as ‘The Twelve Hours of Night,’ the Tuat is simultaneously the land the dead pass through, and also a place the Khemeta believe is fully physical and real: within the Underdark is said to be a region where “darkness grows solid.” Here, souls undergo a journey, at the end of which they either enter the Kingdom of Reeds (see Sekhet-Aaru, above) or are devoured by the serpent-demon Apophis.
This concludes the main body of the Khemet Adventure Player Info Pack.
Stay tuned for the appendices:
-The Alexandria City Sheet;
-Lands Outside Khemet
Legal Stuff: materials of and references to the "Dark Dungeon" IP are copyrighted (c) Jaap de Goede 1994 - 2004